As you probably know from our review here, we own a Xiaomi Mi Pad. Well, everything has been fine and dandy so far, but recently we’ve been having some problems with the device. The product gets overheated to huge values while in standby mode, even reaching as high 52 degrees Celsius or 126 degrees Fahrenheit.

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These are dangerous values for any type of gadget and the temperature is reached without outside influence, with the WiFi on. That only happens in standby mode and when the device’s WiFi is activated, but it doesn’t happen with the WiFi off or with airplane mode on. Personally, I think it’s somehow related to a cloud syncing process, maybe to Xiaomi Cloud, intensively gathering data, but that’s only my theory.

In the images you can see some of the chips that may be at fault for the overheating problems. The high temperatures are registered in the upper side of the device, close to its upper back edge. Could this be the start of a new series of problems with Xiaomi units, other than the ones of the handsets that sent out personal data?

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