As controversial as it is, the platform developed by Microsoft is still among the most prefered and has a lot of support from the different developers willing to launch their apps for the platform. Even with the latest version of the OS not going as expected, Microsoft is still expected to come back in full force.
The developer behind one of the most popular OS’s in history has made a habit out of learning from its mistakes and there is even a say that a really new and stable release of Windows comes every two versions. Windows 8 – the latest title based Windows release was aimed at providing a whole new experience, meant for mobile use and optimised for touch controls. In this regard many are claiming that Microsoft went head too fast, forgetting about the traditional mouse and keyboard input.
With the latest version of Windows right in the middle, and so many people dissatisfied with the experience, rumors have already began to spread about the next iteration. The new OS has surfaced with the naming Windows Blue, though the most recent info states it will be arriving as Windows 8.1. This release, expected to come in a few months, will also be available for ARM based hardware and be available in the variants Microsoft has used us ewith, including Windows 8.1 Pro.