Some may not know that Toshiba has been in the tablet PC biz for a while now, launching an ARM-based unit with Windows CE back in 2009. Well, they’ve also launched the Thrive Honeycomb model this year, but that didn’t go down so well, as the slate has some pretty important power bugs. Now, there’s a follow-up coming, yet another “tablet killer”.

Thrive was bulky, had a removable battery, a 10 inch display and was pretty hard to hold with one hand. The newcomer from Toshiba comes with very much the same ports, but integrated in a more subtle way, not using a special plastic lid like the Thrive. Also, by comparison the new tablet is much thinner than the previous Honeycomb model, actually two times thinner.

We’re expecting to see a microSD card slot, a microHDMI port and a full USB port, if possible on the device. The new Toshiba tablet is now more elegant, has more attractive lines and comes with a brushed metal finish and a chrome bezel. With such elegant laptops in its portofolio, it would be a pity for Toshiba not to deliver the same experience on tablets…