The Microsoft Surface RT tablet in the 32 GB version has hit 3 week delivery mode short time after it was launched, since it was a very popular item and lots of people preordered it. Priced at $499, this version comes without touch cover and it’s now officially sold out.
The 32 GB with Black Touch Cover and 64 GB with Black Touch Cover were also back-ordered after a couple of days of preorders. This data applies to the Microsoft Store Online, mind you that! Now the Store says that both the 32 GB without Touch Cover and the white Touch Cover are out of stock as of last evening. This goes to show that reviews are mild to negative, sales are actually positive, because of the public’s desire to experience the cool next step in Windows evolution… plus the huge marketing that entered our brains.
Some of the Microsoft stores, those of brick and mortar got good response to Surface RT from consumers, apparently. While the Windows RT tablet is no iPad Mini, they could reach 1 million units by the year end, if you want my estimation. Meanwhile the Nexus 7 has reached 1 million units a month last month and it’s ramping up for a crazy holiday season.