The iPad is considered the tablet that made this device segment trendy, but it appears that the reason behind its creation is rather… puerile. It appears that one loud mouth Microsoft employee praising a Windows tablet over dinner made Steve Jobs angry and he decided to show MS what a real tablet is.

Of course, this was mentioned in Walter Isaacson’s Steve Jobs biography, that appeared in stores recently and has been very discussed on the interwebs. British paper The Daily Mail says that it was a dinner that marked the debut of the iPad concept. There was a Microsoft employee praising a future tablet and revealing secret from the company, while repeating how great the product is. Finally, this became so annoying, that Jobs decided to turn his own vision of a tablet into reality.

For starters, Jobs criticized the use of a stylus in this contraption and decided to get rid of it. After the dinner and the bragging Microsoft employee, the Apple CEO went straight to the office the next day and gathered his team in order to create a killer tablet. The stylus and keyboard were dismissed right from the start and this is how the iPad was born, now reaching almost 40 million units sold since 2009…