The Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet has been relatively popular since its debut, being one of the tablets on the market to sport the controversial, yet powerful Snapdragon 810 processor. Today we get to see the slate being tortured, dropped, scratched and even shot in Russia.
The series of clips below are meant to prove the resilience of the 10 inch device, but in the end the shot gets to it. We’ve got to hand it to Sony: they’ve built a solid machine. When dropped on its screen or side, the slate survives unscathed. When scratched with nails, keys and even a knife on the screen or back, it also escapes scratches or other damages.
However, when a gun gets in the mix, things are tougher to escape. It gets shot in its slot area and gets a big great hole in the screen on the other side. Still, it’s good to know you can drop the tablet on the floor and have it survive. As far as I saw it was dropped on a wooden floor, but I don’t exactly expect it to survive a similar drop on concrete…
The last clip with the shooting involved an air gun by the way. I must also mention that the back was slightly scratched during the coin and key test. Now I can’t help but wonder, will it blend?