Orange has just announced a new tablet, the Tahiti that comes with a 7 inch display and it runs Android 3.2 as the OS of choice. This is in fact the Huawei MediaPad 7 inch slate and it keeps the same 1.2GHz dual core processor, but it changes the branding.

This was the first Honeycomb 3.2 tablet out there and soon the OS became widespread. Orange Tahiti features a 7 inch touchscreen LCD, a 5 megapixel camera and 3G connectivity, plus WiFi, Bluetooth and a pretty light case, at 390 grams in total. The device is priced at 69.99 quid with a 25 GBP a month 2 year data plan. There’s also a GPS available here and a HDMI port, but considering that ASUS has just announced a $250 quad core slate, this model is not as appealing any more.

As far as storage goes, last I heard we had 8GB of internal memory plus a microSD card slot. Would you get one on Orange?