It appears that many Nexus 7 users are starting to experience problems with their devices, as they either die early or lag a lot. The problem here could be caused by cheap memory, apparently.
Dustin Early from AndroidAndMe has an editorial talking about the issues, saying that he can’t find a single person with a Nexus 7 that hasn’t had problems and a “massive downgrade in performance”. People complain about lag of even 10 seconds after picking up the device and they say that the lag is “horrific” and crashes and reboots are a common problem.
People are blaming the Android software for not maintaining the SSD memory and others blame the RAM quality. Users have tried rooting the device and installing hacks to help them with the Android problems with storage. Apparently also disabling Google Currents helped many users and annoyed users even reported to full device wiping to get control of the Nexus 7 again. Are you having these issues? If so, would you replace your tablet with a Nexus 7 2?