After some waiting time, the Motorola Xoom 4G LTE is finally available from Verizon with a $499 price tag in the 32GB version. We’re dealing here with a model that practically doesn’t make sense, since at some point you could send your original Xoom in to get upgraded to 4G connectivity.


We remind that if you bought the first Xoom version, Motorola gave you the option of sending it back to get the LTE upgrade. It’s been 8 months since the Xoom launched and barely now Moto introduced the 4G LTE tablet on Verizon. The 32GB unit costs $699 without contract, or $499 with a 2 year Verizon commitment.

The original specs are kept, including the Tegra 2 1GHz dual core CPU, Honeycomb 3.2 and of course some good old LTE. Last month Motorola started accepting orders for the Xoom upgrades, so now everything has come into place. Is it worth the purchase considering we’re so close to the launch of the Xoom 2?