With the elections being closed to their final act in less than 20 hours, it’s time to see what technology has done for the 2012 Elections in USA. One of the many devices involved here is apparently the Microsoft Surface tablet. The device is part of a test for a balloting device for the state and national elections in Virginia.
The test is being organized by Democracy Live, a leading provider of advanced eBalloting and voter information technologies in the States. They rely on their own LiveBallot application on the Surface tablet through a browser, plus the Windows Azure cloud platform. What LiveBallot does is mark and print ballots for tabulation. The Surface tablet will be used like this in a precint in Charlotesville, but Democracy Live has bigger plans, as they intend to cooperate with Microsoft and roll out more Surface tablets in other precints.
Feedback received from Virginia will be used in the future, as the devices get more widespread. Many of the balloting computers are Intel 486 machines, if you can believe it and it’s time for a big change. Fancy voting on a Surface tablet in the future?