T-Mobile and LG have just confirmed the existence of an Android 3.0 Honeycomb tablet called the G-Slate. This mysterious device is T-Mobile’s reply to Verizon’s just announced Motorola XOOM Honeycomb slate. For now we have no info on the device’s specs, but an Nvidia Tegra 2 dual-core CPU should be on the list.

Among the appealing features of the LG G-Slate we find Google Maps 5.0 with 3D interaction, included in Honeycomb, plus Google Talk, complete with video and voice chat, a worthy rival for Apple’s FaceTime. This is also a 4G tablet, taking advantage of T-Mobile’s infrastructure, as the carrier provides “America’s largest 4G network”.

We’ll learn more about this product and its hardware in the following hours, so stay tuned!