According to a new report, it came in sight the fact that in UK kids are now enjoying more the usage of a tablet instead of a regular bedroom TV, devices that are are being dumped. Ofcom, the company behind this study, says that kids are less likely to own a bedroom TV now than any time during the previous years, but they are much more likely to have their own tablet PC.


This report also reveals that the number of children owning a tablet is 34% or one in three, and that almost 62% of children use a tablet at home, even if they don’t own one. Also, the number of kids aged 3-4 that own a tablet raised from 3% last year to 11% this year, while watching streaming TV on a tablet grown from 15% to 20% now, with 33% of kids watching on-demand TV.

We get to know that the number of children having a television set in the room has dropped from 66% in 2009 to just 46% in 2014. However, even if the number of children owning a TV has dropped a third in five years, they still watching more time TV, almost 14.6 hours each week.