If you travel by plane frequently in Japan, you should know that the first class services just got bumped up a notch. The passengers will get charging packs for their gadgets on domestic flights, which is excellent, seeing how many people are left without a solution to charge their gear mid flight.
Of course, nowadays phablets have charging abilities and external batteries are dirt cheap, but a free solution bundled with an expensive ticket can’t harm anyone. Just so you know, Japan Airlines domestic flights don’t have power plugs to charge devices, a feature I’m sure other airlines may have implemented a long while ago. The mobile battery chargers offered by Japan Airlines will compensate for the lack of plugs and the offer starts from tomorrow.
Japan Trust Technology provides the tech for this solution, massive battery packs that will fulfill the needs of passengers. The MobilePower MP-16000 for example offers a 16000 mAh battery capacity and outputs 5V/1.2A, being quickly able to charge tablets, smartphones and more. The unit will be placed in the front pocket of every first class seat, allowing passengers to get their juice on without needing a flight attendant.