Ever since the iPad Air 2 and its 6.1 mm waistline came to life I’ve been dreading this moment: the Bendgate part 2 or the moment when people were going to start tearing apart 9.7 inch slates to see what happens. It’s been done by German YouTuber Martin Macht, as shown below.
He does the bending with his bare hands and the bending becomes a break, as the product is torn apart and glass cracks up, potentially exposing the bender to cuts, if you ask me. Anyway, the tablet requires more effort than the iPhone 6 Plus to bend and also, it seems to be more… functional after the process. The screen suffers more, though and the whole thing looks horrible. I could say that there are people starving out there and here we are with folks breaking apart hundreds of dollars of high tech devices…
Anyway, expect more tests of this kind to be performed, even on the iPad Mini 3, in spite of its lack of ultraslim figure. I wish someone also tried it with the Galaxy Tab S or Dell Venue 8 7000, that are both very slim slates and prone to similar breakage. When will this madness stop?!