Recent leaks have brought to our attention something that looks like the back panel of the iPad 3. The leaked component is pictured below and looks very much like the iPad 2 back panel, with the obvious differences and tweaks. The comparison below was done by RepairLabs, who claim that this design suggest a larger battery, a new LCD and a tweaked camera.
The main difference between the iPad 2 and the iPad 3 back panel is the different mounts for the logic board, meaning that the shape of that logic board has been changed in the new iPad. This would allow for a larger battery space, fitting the rumors saying that the new iPad will provide greater battery life. The same leaked component reveals that the camera on the next-gen Apple tablet will get a new location, meaning that the video/photo capture mechanism will also be revamped.
The mounting of the LCD also suggests a brand new display and I remind you that the iPad 3 is supposed to debut with a high resolution Retina Display. Still no word on the CPU included in the iPad 3, but recently I’ve heard that it will be a dual core and not the rumored quad core unit…