The folks of Ideum already sell the Platform 46 Coffee Table with Windows 8 on board, but now they’re ready to offer an Android version of it. The hardware is based on the guts of an x86 PC and the specs are pretty good.


This Android running table provides 16 GB of RAM, 500 GB of storage, a Full HD resolution and multitouch tracking from 3M. There will be two versions of the device, one with a 32 inch diagonal and the other with a 46 inch screen. The coffee tables support 60 point multitouch, so up to 6 people can use the tables simultaneously with no problem.

I can imagine such a product being used in arcade rooms or in offices during presentations, perhaps by the police, military and doctors. The prices are quite high, at $6950 and that’s the starting amount. Inside you’ll find a 3.7 GHz Intel Core i7 quad core CPU and the Android flavour is merely 4.1 Jelly Bean here.