It’s not a good idea to cannibalize your products, not ever… First of all, you’ll lose market for all of them and then you’ll lose the public’s trust. That’s why I can’t really wrap my head around what Google’s doing with that Chrome OS version for tablets… What exactly do they have in mind?


This OS is a platform that’s based on the Google Chrome browser and that was usually seen on Chromebooks made by Samsung and such companies. Well, the OS was tweaked for the tablet experience, so now it fit to a smaller screen and it’s been optimized for touch input. Considering that Honeycomb is getting a pretty cold reception, this could be an alternative or the final solution to replace Android 3.x…

Or maybe Ice Cream Sandwich will combine a little bit of both, who knows? The thing is that Chrome OS needs an Internet connection to work and that’s not quite comfortable, especially when you’re traveling… Sadly, you can’t even do normal things such as play games, check emails and write a document without the web, so that  kinds of sucks.

In the end, is Chrome OS better than Honeycomb or simply an alternative we don’t need?