After reviewing the Motorola Xoom here, I thought it was time to take the Google+ Android app for a spin on the device. The software actually looks good on the tablet’s screen and displays all the info one needs to get his/her daily dose of socializing via Google’s service.

There’s even a nice widget that allows you to quickly post a picture, a status or select a photo from your gallery and post it. With this Google+ Android app you can access the Stream of information from the socializing service and see what everyone in your Circles is posting. Once you access a post, there’s the +1 button on the upper right side, if you dig a topic and want to make it popular.

Then there’s the Photos section, where you can view everyone’s pics and avatars. You can comment on pictures and statuses, post new ones, access various links and clips from the Stream and start a Huddle. This one is a burst of communication with more than one contact, in order for you to show people an important matter.

Of course, there’s also the Circles section, with the people you know being separated into groups, such as People at Work, Friends, Acquaintances and more. You can add people to Circles, check out your lists and more.