Autocorrect is never enough for most of us and some of us actually write technical documents and legal stuff on their tablets, so there’s a dire need for a tool that actually corrects all those pesky mistakes. One such solution is Ginger Page 2.0, shown below.
This application was originally designed for smartphones and it’s aimed at correcting all those potential mistakes of the people who have slight doubts about their English skills. Even the best of us make mistakes, so this software is useful. The latest update of the app made it compatible with the iPad, with full support for the bigger diagonal. This is not only a tool for automated spell checking, but also grammar and punctuation check. Although it has many features, it lacks a word counter tool in its software.
It can suggest alternative sentence constructions, includes dictionaries of synonyms and definitions, plus an automatic translator. The interface of the software is clean and don’t go expecting anything like a “Word” experience here, rather a Note/Memo app one. A very useful tool is the one that makes you avoid repetition, a problem that can appear in long texts. The program will offer you alternatives to the text you’ve typed down.
Ginger Page self dubs itself the world’s number one copy editing software and it also brings human voice text to speec features and quick sharing of texts. You can download it here.