Single’s Day Offers Include Tablets With Intel CPUs Inside; Chuwi, Teclast, Onda Models on...
Tomorrow is Single's Day in China, the day when the calendar says 11.11 and a special shopping holiday, that's being pre-empted by a variety of special offers on retailers. has...
Xiaomi Air 12 Goes to $509.99 After Singles Day Discount; Here Are More Special...
As I'm sure you know, there's a special tradition and holiday in China, called "Singles Day", taking place on the 11th of November and referring to the repetition of the figure...
Teclast X98 Plus II Review: Affordable Dual Boot Slate With Some Major Compromises (Video)
It seems it's raining dual boot tablet these days, since after testing and reviewing the Chuwi Hi12, it's now the turn of the Teclast X98 Plus II model. It's also a...
Top Tablet Deals on Chinese Retailer Brings Tablets and Laptops Down by Up to...
There's a new set of promo offers for tablets and laptops today, as usual courtesy of, that cuts up to 50% of their prices. We get Xiaomi laptops, Chuwi slates,...
Teclast Preparing New Tablets With Apollo Lake Processors
Chinese tablet maker Teclast made an announcement this week, saying that it's going to release a new range of slates, models with Apollo Lake chips in tow. They'll be affordable units,...
Teclast Tablets Get “Epic Savings” and Hundreds of Accessories Available for Free by Sharing
It's October now, so you'll be seeing many promotions with Oktoberfest in the title, some with early Black Friday even. Well, we've come across a new type of promo, one that...
Teclast X98 Plus II Unboxing: Dual Boot 9.7 inch Tablet Switches Between Windows 10...
Here we are with a new unboxing of a tablet, this time the Teclast X98 Plus II model, that gets pulled out of the box below. It's a 9.7 incher with...
Teclast Tbook 16 Pro 2 in 1 Tablet With Cherry Trail CPU Gets 49%...
We've got a fresh price reduction for you today, this time related to a dual boot slate, that's quite big, at 11.6 inches in diagonal. It's the Teclast Tbook 16 Pro,...
Early Oktoberfest Deals Start at $0.99 , Bring Intel-Based Tablets at $131 or $159
How does an All in One PC priced at $259 sound? How about a 2 in 1 tablet with a very solid keyboard dock at $224? Or maybe a $159 2...
2 in 1 Intel-Powered Devices Are Getting Special Prices Through a Chinese Retailer; Here’s...
Between September 12 - 17th, the Chinese retailer GearBest is holding a special sale event for those 2 in 1 Intel-powered devices, and that means we're getting some amazing prices and...