ASUS has just launched its Transformer 3 Pro tablet in India, as a premium device with a price to go with that tag. Usually the Transformer series included affordable models, but that’s no longer the case.
I find the price of the Transformer 3 Pro to be huge for the Indian market, $2,168, so let’s see what we get for that amount of money. First, you should know it’s a big tablet, with a 12.6 inch diagonal and a 2880 x 1920 pixel resolution. It also has an active digitizer and it’ll work with an ASUS Pen. Inside the slate we find an Intel Core i7-6500U processor, 16 GB of RAM, 512 GB of storage, so that high price is kind of making sense.
An Intel Thunderbolt USB Type C connector is also here, plus an adjustable kickstand and a keyboard cover with backlit keys. There will also be a Core i5 version and various models with 128 GB of storage, but also with 1 TB, so the price may change. Interestingly, $2168 is actually less than a Surface Pro 4 with similar specs, but not by much.
ASUS also debuted in India the ZenBook 3, a thin and light laptop, starting at $999.