Next Tuesday Apple has an event scheduled that will bring us a new iPad Pro. The device has been in the rumors for a long while, including leaks related to its potential notch, USB Type-C connector and more. Today we learn it could feature a custom GPU.
Judging by past Apple releases, the device may well end up with an Apple A12X CPU. A report from Bloomberg mentions that the device may come with Face ID, plus an USB Type-C port in lieu of Lightning (or maybe even two ports, one of each kind) and an edge to edge display. Other details have also come up, like the fact we may see a LCD display in lieu of OLED here and even a custom GPU.
The iPad Pro (2018) is expected to rely on an Apple A12 Bionic CPU, but not the same version from the latest iPhones. Instead it could come with a custom GPU, which is a first for the iPad. We’ve also heard about Apple working on its own mobile GPU for a while now. We don’t have a clear idea of what this custom GPU will bring extra, but it may be the start of a new direction for Apple.
It would mean improved gaming, video editing, 3D rendering and more. It also sets up the future, that should include custom CPUs for MacBooks and even iMacs.