Apple doesn’t take prisoners with aggressively promoting a product, even in emerging markets. That’s why they’re going all out in India, by attacking Samsung with an aggressive iPad Mini promotion.


The info about this approach comes from Himanshu Chakrawarti, CEO at The Mobile Store, India’s largest mobility devices retail chain. He’s saying that Apple wants to challenge Samsung to the title of biggest tablet seller in the country. The iPad Mini is seen as a game changer locally, since Samsung doesn’t have an exact rival product for it.

The marketing campaign for the iPhone 4 has been quoted as inspiration, since it was another aggressively pushed Apple product in India. The buyback offers are pushing the Mini forward, at a more affordable price tag and even more appealing than some Samsung devices. The US company has registered grown sales by more than 35% since February, when they unleashed the buyback offer.

This is the first tablet related promotion in India for Apple and this approach can be explained by this: Samsung dominates India in the tablet market with a 60% share.