The iPad 3 photo leak continues, this time with the iPad 3 logic board, that seems to include an A5X chipset, rather than the A6. The date code on this CPU shows that it was manufactured between November 14th and November 20th of 2011. The photo also shows a pair of 16GB flash memory chips made by Hynix.
This is not the Apple A6 that everyone has been talking about, as the quad core unit to power the new Apple tablet. Instead, we get a more powerful version of the A5, so the iPad 3 will definitely be a dual core affair. The question here is how much extra power we’ll be getting, but all of that will be cleared around the 7th or 9th of next month, when Apple is rumored to have an official event scheduled, in order to announce the new slate. Right now we know the CPU type, the fact that we’ll get a Retina Display on board and maybe an 8 megapixel camera.
Will Apple be able to price their product decently, considering these high end specs? Are you disappointed by the fact that the new iPad is still a dual core unit?