Finally it came! Launched on November 8th, the Angry Birds Star Wars title arrived and it’s blast to play! You pay $3 for it from the App Store (iPad HD version) and then you pay an extra $2 for the Yoda planet levels. Rovio’s latest work is done in cooperation with LucasArts follows the story of the older Star Wars titles, leading up to the destruction of the Death Star.

You get a total of 131 levels in the game, with 40 taking place on Tatooine, 40 on the Death Star, 40 on Dagobah and finally 11 bonus levels. The birds have turned into Star Wars characters, so the red bird is Luke Skywalker and wields a light saber, the yellow bird is Han Solo and uses a laser pistol, while the big red bird or green in Angry Birds Space has become Chewbacca and is massive and furry. R2D2 is also here in the bonus levels and electrocutes the Snouttroopers, the evil pigs of the empire.

C3PO is an exploding gold bird, also present in the bonus levels. And then there’s the Jedi bird, a black one with a hood, that’s able to create a blue wave of energy, that throws away enemies, boxes and rocks. The cool thing about this game is that you can really interact with your surroundings, so a laser shot from a pistol or turret will be deflected and ricochet around the walls hitting pigs. This game is a combo of Angry Birds Space and the regular Rovio release of Angry Birds, when it comes to mechanics.

Tie Fighters and even Darth Vader will appear later on and the levels will alternate with a bunch of cinematics that show Star Wars scenes… with birds. Only Jabba and Leia are lacking from the game so far… We give it a solid 9.8 out of 10 and you get can get it from here, in the iPad HD version.