The Lenovo MIIX 310 tablet was introduced back at Mobile World Congress 2016, with the Intel Atom X5 CPU in tow and today it has surfaced on Amazon, with a stronger version of that chip. It’s also priced in a very appealing way, at just 279 euros.


Originally, the device was supposed to ship with the Intel Atom X5-Z8300, but in the end it gets the X5-Z8350, which is more powerful. Not only Amazon is listing it, but also Lenovo Hong Kong, so it’s legit. And it gets even better, since there’s also 4 GB of RAM and 64 GB of storage on board, but that may make the price go up to 299 euros.

The difference between the Z8300 and Z8350 is the clock rate, since the Z8350 is able to go to 1.92 GHz even. Also on board is a 10.1 inch 1280 x 800 pixel display, that would have been better as a Full HD screen, but not everything is perfect, right? The promise of 10 hours of battery is also very nice. You can get the device here, with keyboard dock included.