Acer has just detailed and announced three new tablets, two based on Android and one on Windows 7 OS. As far as the two Android slates concerned, one of them comes with a 10.1 inch display (full capacitive touch), 3G and WiFi, plus HDMI port and 1080p support. It can connect to your HDTV and provide a great experience.

The same device includes a 10 point multitouch system, gyro meter control and moving on to the other Android tablet, this 7 inch unit supports a 1280 x 800 pixel resolution and 16:10 aspect ratio. It’s got a full touchscreen, WiFi and 3G, plus DLNA. We don’t yet know what version of Android these devices will be getting, so we may be in for a surprise (Android 2.3/3.0).

Plunging into the Windows 7 universe, we discover a new 10.1 incher from Acer, bundled with a docking device, featuring two 1.3MP cameras, WiFi and 3G. There’s also a full size keyboard on board (of the docking device) and support for video recording. No pricing is known yet, but the launch is scheduled for April 2011 (Android units) and February (Win 7).