After selling 5 million units, the Samsung Galaxy Note has just been turned into a pink gadget, as shown below. This follows a similar repainting of the Samsung Galaxy S II, another well selling product from the South Korean company.

The Galaxy Note is advancing pretty fast, having sold around 2 million units at the end of February and already jumping to 5 million at the end of March. If I remember well, when the Note was launched, Samsung mentioned that it may appeal to the feminine public. Now, available in fuchsia, both the stylus and smartablet may appeal to the ladies even more. The specs are the same, including the dual core Exynos CPU, 8MP camera, 5.3 inch display with huge resolution and all those nifty S Pen apps.

The only problem here is that if you’re a girl and you own this pink gadget, holding this huge thing next to your ear and talking to people on the phone doesn’t look as sexy anymore, since the device is so big…