We were shocked when we found out that a boy in China sold his kidney for money to get an iPad, but this story is now developing. It appears that this scandal, that took place last year had an iPad 2 at its center and the boy wanted the device had to get 20,000 yuan for it, or about $3,085.
He got that money following an illegal operation, that removed one of his kidneys. The 17 year old boy spend the money on an iPad 2 and iPhone 4, but he fell ill afterwards and the case reached the authorities, who started a trial. After months of deliberations, the Beihu District People’s Court in Chenzhou City sentenced 7 out of the 9 defendants to prison. China has banned the practice of trading human organs since 2007, except in the cases of close family members.
The ones jailed here are the surgeon, the agent who arranged the operation and more people involved in the illegal operation. The surgeon got 3 years of jail time, while the agent 5 years. Other people involved include two nurses, a surgical assistant and an anesthesiologist. The defendants also paid over 1.47 million yuan to the boy’s family, reducing their sentence. It’s a sick world we live in…