Famous jailbreaker pod2g has excellent news for all of you iOS users: he has made progress with the iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak together with his team. The jailbreak will be ready in a matter of days and the Chronic Dev Team will announced that at the Hack in the Box convention, that takes place this week.

The new jailbreak will be dubbed Absinthe 2.0 and pod2g mentioned that it will run on the likes of iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4 CDMA, the 4S model, the first iPad, the iPad 2 WiFi, the iPad 2 GSM, iPad 2 CDMA, iPad 3 WiFi, iPad 3 CDMA, iPod 3G and iPod 4G. That’s basically all the iOS devices that matter and no trace of the Apple TV. Later in the week we’ll get more exact details on how the jailbreak will proceed, but till then I’m sure that iPad 3 WiFi owners are happy to know they’ll get an untethered jailbreak for the latest flavour of iOS.

In the meantime people are performing tethered jailbreaks with the latest redsnow and they seem to be working just fine. If you managed to grab hold of the untethered solution early, drop us a comment below and a link to download it.