A recent study performed by Forrester Research shows that tablets are truly the future of the computing world, as they’re predicted to overtake netbooks sales by 2012 and desktop sales by 2015. Forrester analyst Sarah Rotman Epps mentioned that she expects 3.5 million tablets to be sold in 2010 alone, with the total number reaching 20.4 million in 2015.

In the meantime, desktop sales are expected to drop from 18.7 million units this year to 15.7 million 5 years from now. Tablets are expected to grow 6% in 2010 and up to 18% in 2012, while in 2013 slates will surpass desktop sales, 21% to 20%. By 2015, estimations show that tablets will reach 23% of total PC sales in the US, with desktops left behind with 18% and netbooks with 17%.

It’ll be interesting to see how much market share Apple will capture, considering it has already sold 2 million iPads and it could go past Forrester’s 3.5 million estimate this year.

[via techcrunch]