Samsung Electronics has just confirmed that it will start selling touchscreen computers next year loaded with the latest Windows, that’s Win 8. The product will be a tweaked Series 7 Computer with a touchscreen and wireless keyboard, according to Uhm Kyu Ho, head of sales and marketing at the Samsung PC branch.

Keep in mind that months ago Microsoft unveiled Windows 8 running on a device made by Samsung, so the affiliation is clear. Boy, these guys are willing to do anything to get past their Apple complex and I’m talking about Samsung here and the image they’re stuck with: copiers of the iPad and iPhone. The South Korean giant aims at the business users with the Series 7 and the tradition will continue on future devices, that will come in handy for people who want to create and edit documents and spreadsheets on the go.

Samsung will also offer updates to Windows 8 for Series 7 device owners, which is a very cool thing coming from the Asian giant. With Samsung the biggest seller of Android tablets in Q3, the company has a lot to gamble here, especially if they shift focus towards Win 8. With the arrival of Microsoft’s latest OS, the iPad domination on the tablet market might change a percentage or two, but it will take a while till Win 8 slates get traction. The main worry here is battery life…