Samsung wants to increase the quality of the Android apps it offers on its devices, so it organized a challenge for developers with a huge $4 million prize. This competition is called the Smart App Challenge 2012 and the people who build the most popular apps for Galaxy Tab and Note products will be rewarded.

User downloads will be the criteria used here and the awards will range from $200,000 to $30,000. Developers will be able to create applications for the S Pen using the Samsung SDK and they’ll still be eligible for the same range of cash prizes, but the judging will be handled by a special jury. Samsung also promises a huge marketing push for the best submitted apps, including mentions in the company’s press releases and social media channels. Television and print ads are also promised, so this will be extremely flattering for the winning developers.

Imagine that a special app will become a selling point for the Galaxy Note 2… How will that make you feel as a developer? I bet that it would be great… Anyway, the Smart App Challenge takes place between now and September 30th and we may speculate that on that date we may see a new Galaxy Note or Galaxy Tab, maybe a quad core one.