Samsung Electronics just unveiled a 10.1 inch LCD panel that supports a 2,560 x 1,600 pixel resolution. The unveiling came during the FPD International 2011 show, that took place between October 26 and the 28th in Japan. We’re dealing here with a LCD panel that will be incorporated into tablets and it relies on the IGZO TFT technology.

The IGZO TFTs are oxide semiconductor used as driver elements, giving the panel a transmittance of 3.8%. The power consumption of the panel without backlight is 26mW. No info the carrier mobility of the device, but Samsung said that it’s 10 times higher than the one of a normal amorphous silicon TFT. The display method is PLS, with graddation by horizontally applying an electric field to liquid crystal molecules.

The stats of the panel are 300 cd/m2 and 500:1 with 70% higher color gamut on NTSC. There are many line defects right now on the prototypes, but hopefully they will be fixed before the screen reaches the next iPad…