Samsung recently announced that it’s preparing 7 inch Super AMOLED screens for slates, that could spawn the next generation of Apple iPad rivals in 2011. Super AMOLED displays can be found right now on Galaxy S handsets and they’re pretty impressive to see in action. They support deep blacks, vibrant colors and work decently in sunlight.
The 7 inch Super AMOLED displays that are being developed right now support 1200 x 600 pixel resolutions, making some great tablet screens. Some hope that the future version of the Samsung Galaxy Tab will sport such a display, but nothing’s for sure yet. It’s said that the 7 inch Super AMOLED units will hit the market late next year, at earliest.
Meanwhile, we remember that Apple CEO Steve Jobs dismissed 7 inch tablets recently, saying that they’re not fit to compete with smartphones or 10 inch slates. It could be a bluff, as the Cupertino giant prepares a 7 inch slate of its own…