Samsung is at it again, making fun of Apple for their device aspect ratio and lack of real multitasking. They’ve created two new ads, shown below, one for the Galaxy Tab Pro and the other for the Note 3.

samsung mock ipad air ad

The Tab Pro ad shows the device being used for video playback, with more screen estate covered by the image compared to the iPad Air. Also, they show real multitasking, the one that divides the screen into two, so you can compose a mail and watch a movie at the same time. It all starts up with the pencil, the one that Apple using in its iPad Air ad to show how thin the device is.

Samsung uses the same pen to emphasize that its product is even thinner and generally better than the latest iPad. For comparison sake, the Galaxy Tab  Pro 10.1 measures 7.3 mm thick, while the iPad Air measures 7.5 mm. The ad also refers to the resolution of 2560 x 1600 pixels offered by the Samsung slate, compared to Apple’s 2048 x 1536.

And then the Note 3 ad makes fun of the iPhone, using Lebron James footage…