As we’re used to, Samsung launches every year a bunch of tablets like the ones from Galaxy Tab series. Today, through the Zauba Indian import tracking website, we found out that in this moment Samsung is currently testing the 10.1-inch version of the Galaxy Tab 5 (SM-T555) tablet that will be released next year.
According to some rumors this tablet will bring a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 processor on 64-bit, a 10 inch panel with a resolution unknown for the moment and the Android 5.0 Lollipop operating system. Also, from the import document that can be seen above we get to know that this tablet is priced at $354.
Beside the Galaxy Tab 5, Samsung is also testing another budget tablet called SM-T116, device that is priced at just $101 according to Zauba. It remains to see if Samsung will launch both these models at CES 2015, or if we’ll have to wait untill March for a launch during MWC 2015.