Since Mediatek is pulling big moves these days, with a 8 core CPU in the making and several new flavors of its quad core CPUs, rival Rockchip is also launching several products of its own. The company’s RK3188 chip got a lot of appreciation on the market, as one of the fastest Cortex A9 chips out there and now we’re preparing for the Cortex A12 RK32xx.
The newcomer will arrive in Q2 2014 and it will power lower priced devices, mainly tablets, just like the previous Rockchip CPUs. The company’s roadmap shows the quad core ARM Cortex A12 chip series called the RK32xx. This architecture is designed for midrange smartphones and tablets and while it’s not as fast as the Cortex A15 technology, it’s still faster than anything Rockchip ever made.
The new 28 nm bundle of joy supports 4K video decoding, 1080p video encoding and DirectX 11 graphics. The RK32xx features a 1.8 GHz quad CPU with the very good ARM Mali-T624 GPU. Expect to hear about this CPU more and more in the future.