Microsoft held its big Surface event yesterday and during said event, they unveiled a slew of new products, focusing on tablets, laptops and productivity. The Surface Pro 8 came out, also the Surface Go 3, but also the Surface Duo 2 dual screen phone and some accessories, like a stylus, mouse and the Surface Book Studio laptop. This article is all about the affordable Microsoft Surface Go 3, detailed below.

This entry level device has an Intel low voltage processor and it runs on Windows 11 Priced at $399 for the WiFi model, the product will also get a 4G version later on. The design is very much unchanged from the predecessor, the Surface Go 2, but the novelty is the Intel CPU inside. It’s supposed to be 60% faster than the previous unit. Microsoft Surface Go 3 measures 8.3 mm in thickness and weighs 544 grams sans cover.

The screen stays the same: a 10.5 inch panel with 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution and 3:2 aspect ratio. There’s also 1500:1 contrast ratio and 10 point touch support. Surface Go 3 has two CPU versions, the Intel Pentium Gold 6500Y and Core i3-10100Y, as well as integrated Intel UHD Graphics 615. There’s a 5 MP front camera with Full HD Skype support and an 8 megapixel back shooter with autofocus and FHD video.

Other specs include 4 GB of RAM, 64 GB of storage and the Core version doubles those to 8 GB/ 128 GB respectively. Also, the non Core version has 13 hours of battery life, which drops to 10 hours for the Core model. Then there’s WiFi 6, Bluetooth 5.0, an USB-C port, audio jack, Surface Connect port and microSD.