Microsoft is making fun of Apple’s iPad yet again, this time promoting the Dell XPS 10 Windows RT tablet in the process. The device is focused on the shortcomings of the iPad, including a very fun segment that shows you can’t insert a memory card anywhere.


ipad vs dell xps 10

There’s the bit with the screen, mentioning that the iPad screen can’t be zoomed around in order to see an overview of the content. The Apple tablet even screams “Ouch” when an user tries to pinch it to zoom in. All through the video you can hear Siri’s slurred voice reminding you what you can’t do with the iPad.

Finally, the clip praises the Windows RT multitasking ability, by snapping it into two pieces and also the difference of $200 between the two devices. I like the fact that these commercials are subtle, yet ironic and they’re much less evil than Samsung’s.