With just a week left until Mobile World Congress, today the UK-based producer Kazam announced the launch of three new Windows 8.1 tablets that will be showcased in Barcelona. Among them we have the L7, L8 and the L10, devices with 7 inch, 8 inch and 10 inch panel.
These three slates offer quad-core Intel Baytrail processors and HD panels. The main differences are found at the total RAM memory, internal storage and battery. Thereby, the Kazam L10 arrives with 2 GB of RAM, 32 GB space of internal storage and a 7.900 mAh battery.
The 7 and 8 inch variants arrive with just 1 GB of RAM, 16 GB of internal memory and 3.500 mAh (L7), 4.000 mAh (L8) batteries. Inside, we’ll also get a 2-megapixel front-facing camera, a 2-megapixel rear sensor, a microUSB v2.0 port, a microHDMI one and a microSD card slot up to 32 GB.