Huawei’s S7 SmaKit Android tablet was launched back in February during MWC 2010 and it seems the device is already available on some markets worldwide. Known simply as SmaKit, the unit runs Android 2.1, features 3G connectivity, WiFi 802.11n and packs a 7 inch touch display with a 800 x 480 pixel resolution and 16:9 aspect ratio.

HD video is also supported on the slate, as well as a HIFI Audio Player and there’s also a browser in the mix, with “appropriate plugins”. Connectivity also gets a boost courtesy of WCDMA/HSPA and GSM/GPRS/EDGE networks. Smakit weighs 500 grams, is 15.5mm thick and packs a microSD card slot and a stand. Oh, and it also has a 2 megapixel camera upfront.

[via fonearena]