Yesterday we’ve shown you a bit of one of HP’s yet unlaunched VoiceTab devices, but today we get press pics of that model. HP has been preparing for debut the Slate 6 model with a 6 inch screen and the Slate 7 with a 7 inch display.



Both are phablet/tablets with phone calling abilities and rely on quad core Marvell processors. Both devices run Android 4.2.2 out of the box and the 6 incher has a back camera with flash, while the 7 inch unit lacks a flash. Judging by the lockscreen of the model shown below, we could be dealing with a customized Android version here.

Rumors say that the 6 inch unit will be priced below $250, while the Slate 7 will have a $199 price tag. References to both products have been found on Zauba, an Indian import database and we’ve heard that the devices are coming to Indian stores next month. These “big phones” are expected to have 720p screens among others.
