Apparently, the company Cube has created an iPad 5 rival with a Full HD display. Keep in mind that the iPad 5 is not even out yet, so things are rushed in China. Cube has supposedly taken some design cues from the rumored iPad 5 design….


They’ve created a 9 inch Android slate, that’s dubbed Cube Talk 9, which is the big brother of the Talk 7 unit. Just like the small unit it comes with 3G and voice call support. Specs include a 1.5 GHz quad core CPU, 1 GB of RAM, a 5300 mAh battery and Full HD display. There’s no price yet, although sources are saying that $160 is a pretty good price range for this model.

From the images here we seem to spot a pretty thick slate and frankly speaking I don’t get what the resemblance with the iPad 5 is. As you can see, all the ports and slots that matter are on the lower side of the device. Also, the bezels are pretty big, so keep your enthusiasm in check folks…
