With the Motorola XOOM just out and the LG Optimus Pad bringing 3D to the tablet world, Apple’s iPad will face serious competition this year. Till their new iPad is announced on March 2, you have to know that the first slate made by the Cupertino folks managed to get a hold of 93% of the tablet market over the last quarter.


According to ABI’s report, 4.5 million units were sold over the previous quarter, with the only competitor worth mentioning being Samsung Galaxy Tab. Competition also came from China-made slates with very low prices and Android on board, but these aren’t a serious threat. ABI Research has been monitoring the tablet market since December 2009 and witnessed the increase in popularity of these devices, caused by Apple’s launch of the first iPad.

Now we have dual core tablets, capable of LTE connectivity, running Android 3.0 and sporting multiple cameras. Let’s see what alternative Apple can provide next week, when the iPad 2 becomes official (supposedly).