The latest stats coming from ComScore reinforce Apple’s domination of the tablet segment, showing that the iPad is responsible for 89% of the worldwide tablet traffic. 97% is the percentage when it comes to US tablet traffic. Scary? For Apple’s rivals it sure is…

ComScore’s study relies on census-level information from tagged web page content. It provides a critical insight on traffic patterns, gathering info from as many devices as possible. The same ComScore stats have shown that Apple generates 53% or non computer device traffic: 23.5% with the aid of the iPhone and 21.8% with the iPad, while 7.8% comes from the iPod Touch.

Android is pretty close, with over 36% of the market and the majority of traffic comes from smartphones. No other brand has managed to cut Apple’s rule in the tablet area for now, but with the quad core models scheduled for this year end, they might have a shot.