Datawind has done it again, releasing yet another affordable slate in India. This time the model is called DataWind PC7SC and it’s priced at $45. The device comes with free Internet and it’s pictured below.


The free Internet offer is available for one year via RCom and Telenor network’s prepaid SIM card. The slate brings a 7 inch screen with a 800 x 480 pixel resolution, a single core processor and 512 MB of RAM. There’s 4 GB of storage inside and Android 4.4.2 as the OS, plus support for WiFi 802.11 b/g/n and Bluetooth.

MicroUSB is also here and the tablet will be up for purchase via Snapdeal’s 24X7 TV commerce channel. Inside the DataWind PC7SC we find a 2400 mAh battery, that is supposed to offer around 6 to 8 hours of functioning time. The device also comes with DataWind’s proprietary web delivery technology, that offers high speed Internet browsing at the lowest data costs possible.