ASUS Transformer Prime made the news a couple of weeks ago, when it was discovered that it sports an encrypted bootloader. ASUS made a statement, promising everyone a bootloader unlock tool and now we get a time frame for its launch: around February. Well, the update “should” arrive next month, so that’s not a very encouraging claim.

Also, the tweet says “root tool” and not bootloader exactly, so the PR guy behind the tweet must be confused about the whole idea of rooting and unlocking… Anyway we’re about a week away from February and ASUS already made good on the promise to deliver Android 4.0 in time for the Transformer Prime. Actually, Ice Cream Sandwich arrived two days earlier on the Prime, since it was meant to come on the 12th of January and instead arrived on the 10th.

Real news should come in about two weeks, so keep your eyes on our website and on the ASUS Twitter account. Hopefully, this root tool will please anyone, since there have been some angry people when that GPS/connectivity fix came out and they claimed that it made matters worse or it didn’t work. I can’t really say, as I didn’t have reception problems with the Transformer Prime I tested…