Tablet ownership among the US consumers is increasing, with a faster rate than any other connected device on the market. Figures from NPD Group show that as of the third quarter this year, there were 109 million tablets in use, up 35 million from last year.


The tablet market is clearly past the early adopter stage and now the user base is easier to analyze and figure out, especially when it comes to video consumption. More than half, or better said in this case, 55% of the tablet users will use the video features of their devices. This includes video calling, watching video, uploading videos and posting them. The video feature usage is more proeminent among younger consumers, with 67% of the tablet users aged 18-34 using the video features compared to 53% of the 35 to 54 year olds.

The percentage goes to 45% for users age 55 and older. Using tablets consumers have access to almost every top TV and streaming video app, which pretty much decreases the need for a TV set. According to the new Connected Intelligence TV & Video App Availability Report, 66 of the 70 TV and streaming video apps are available on tablets, with the iPad getting the lion’s share, exactly 66 out of 66.

Windows tablets have the least, 32, while Android models have 60.