After being showcased at CES 2011, T-Mobile first 4G tablet, Dell Streak 7 might be released in less than 2 weeks. Word’s out that the product could launch on February 2nd and we have to say that if the LG G-Slate is released in the same time frame, the Dell unit doesn’t stand a chance.
Samsung might also release a Galaxy Tab follow-up, that will eventually reach T-Mobile, too, possibly after the G-Slate sells out. Dell Streak 7’s debut on February 2nd, which is Groundhog day, makes this Android 2.2 HSPA+ device available for people who didn’t get the first Streak, as I wouldn’t image anyone wanting to buy the Streak 7 after already owning the first unit, right?
We remind you that this tablet is a dual-core Tegra 2 material, that also comes with a 7 inch WVGA Gorilla Glass display and full Adobe Flash Player 10.1